
Showing posts from October, 2023

Safeguarding : VR Player and environment design

 How can virtual reality player safe space design data be captured and analysed ? I am considering the many different ways in which safe player spaces could be designed in VR. I am thinking about how I might protect the player when viewing challenging, emotive story content. While considering how and when I might apply various design devices when designing various white box model prototypes.  I am also beginning to research how and why I might set up effective data capture systems as part of the user research and analysis pro.  My primary concern is the sense of safety that players feel when encountering challenging emotive content to offer protection when viewing potentially distressing scenes, encountering objects that are indicative of the narrative and other player characters. Focusing on players physical and emotional safety as a primary objective will help when designing prototypes that test the solutions applied. I will then be able to experiment with different environment and U

Safeguarding : Brief Design a Narrative HMD VR Training Experience for mental healthcare practitioners.

 To test some of the research, assumptions and questions that I have discovered recently, I decided to write a simple brief so that I could conduct a little practical R&D.  Brief:  Design a Narrative HMD VR Training Experience for mental healthcare practitioners, that immerses learners in a story that presents different aspects of Opioid Addiction.  I should be able to sketch out some initial concepts and then construct a simple white box model prototype in Unity.  Oscillating between practice and theory / theory and practice, is a technique I use in the initial concept development stage when I try to acquire as much research theory and practical examples as possible (depending on time) * *Research and Development is one of the most enjoyable stages of development and could easily continue beyond the economic constraints of a project which is why I love to tinker with these things in my own time  ;)  Opioid Addiction Opioid Addiction is traumatic… for the user, for family, friends