Brief Research
A Narrative (Cinematic) HMD VR Immersive experience is more effective than other modes of TEL Delivery because experiential, interactive, open-ended exploration leads to highly effective knowledge acquisition, retention and application in practice, when engaging with story-based mental health learning content.
more effective than passive learning.
supports training practitioners knowledge acquisition, retention and application of challenging mental health topics (Example opioid addiction) learning content more effectively
Research Question
Can HMD VR Environments be designed to safely immerse mental Healthcare practitioners in learning experience that explores challenging mental health topics more effectively than alternative modes of delivery ?
Trauma and Safe Immersion
HMD VR (Cinematic) Narrative Design
Research Location
Located in the triangulation between :
1. TEL Design : Mental Healthcare and Wellbeing Training and Development
2. Games Design : HMD VR Environment and Level Design
3. Spatial Design : Natural and Urban Environment Design
Research Literature
1. Academic Literature: 2017 - 2022 (Google Scholar/AcademiaEdu/Researchnet/IEEE)
2. Grey Literature : Games Development Conference Presentations (GDC)
3. Mental Healthcare TEL Research (NHS/HEE/LPT)
4. HMD VR Games / Apps
Research Questions
Can HMD VR deliver Mental Health and Well-being Narrative-based Training more effectively than alternative modes of TEL delivery ?
HMD VR Brief
Design and Develop a Narrative-Based HMD VR Prototype App that engages with the topic of Substance Abuse ( Opioid Addiction ) aimed at healthcare professionals working in the mental Healthcare and wellbeing services. The app Development will compare, evaluate and test multiple modes of TEL Delivery.
Practice-Based Research Methodology
Comparative Research Tool Instructional Project
Identifying the causes, symptoms and effect of Opioid Addiction on patients and their families as well as their friends and families.
Natural Open spaces support positive affects
HMD VR Brief Research
Identifying the causes, symptoms and effect of Opioid Addiction on patients and their families as well as their friends and families.